
Plenty of space for new thoughts

Creative energy

Lobe block is a hub of creative energy in the middle of Gesundbrunnen Kiez. A sustainable, eco-conscious building where ideas flow as easily as rainwater down our cascading terraces. Networks of ethically-minded businesses can only thrive in this environment.

Our big Event space offers a unique base for all activities, from table discussions, presentations and team-building exercises to panel talks, skills training and hackathons. The mezzanine level above offers a different, calmer perspective where you can relax between activities or prepare for the next stage. Our plant-based restaurant, Lobe Canteen, will nourish you with thoughtful, vegetarian comfort-foods throughout your stay. Arrive early in the morning to be greeted by a hot cup of coffee or tea, as much as you like! Followed by a bowl of overnight oats with fresh fruit or a just-baked croissant. Every workshop and company is unique and so are our catering menus.

The 7 metre high ceiling provides plenty of space to let imaginations soar, forging new connections between team-members, businesses and strategies. Thinking outside the box is easy as your gaze is drawn through the huge glass wall into the permaculture garden beyond.

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