10. November 2023 | 18:00 - 22:00
Impossible Comfort by November52
Impossible Comfort by November52 https://lobeblock.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Inst_1-2jpg.jpg 1080 521 Lobe Block https://lobeblock.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Inst_1-2jpg.jpgImpossible Comfort
exhibition by Novmeber52
Free Entry
- Lobe Canteen is open from 18:00 for wine and dessert.
- The presentation begins at 19:00, followed by a discussion and open talk
- at 20:00 performance by Xiaoer Liu
- Electronic ambient music is played throughout the evening
- The exhibition ends at 10:00 p.m
The canteen bar is open all evening.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We live in a country where basic comfort is not a goal but the basis of existence. The social structure creates a sympathetic and encouraging environment, together with a strong economy that allows us not to worry about basic needs. This enables each of us to look forward and advance leaving the struggle for survival behind.
However, despite publicity and vibrant discussions, the topic of plastic recycling remains in need of further elaboration. There is an obvious and banal gap in the resource utilisation system. Most of produced plastic is still not dealt with mindfully(recycled) both globally and in the EU. Germany is not an exception.
In our project, we are not looking for the cause of the status quo but changing it. We believe that action outstrips words. With our exhibition, we clearly demonstrate the potential of the material that is traditionally considered waste. We show how modern, aesthetic and durable objects can be produced from what could have become heaps of refuse likely to be burnt or landfilled.
So we want to share with you a new type of comfort: one enjoyed through honesty, responsibility and balance.
Besides the pieces of furniture and lightning, the exhibition will comprise works by contemporary artists, sound design, as well as a performance.
We are glad to invite you to our exhibition!

Lobe Block
Böttgerstraße 16
13357 Berlin
+49 30 2659766-19