Alpha Woman: Inspiring Leadership

Discussion panel, live music, inspiring women.

17. October 2023 | 18:30 - 22:00

Alpha Woman: Inspiring Leadership

Alpha Woman: Inspiring Leadership 942 830 Lobe Block

Alpha Woman: Inspiring Leadership

Discussion panel, live music, inspiring women.


On October 17th women come together to exchange experiences of being a protagonist in what they do.
Cristiana Xavier de Brito, author of the book “Alpha Woman, Inspiring Leadership”, will lead a panel composed of 5 women from different backgrounds based in Berlin. The event aims to foster the discussion in society about the broader participation of women in all kinds of institutions.


  • 18:30 – Reception with background music by Anastácia Azevedo
  • 19:30 – Opening Speech by Cristiana
  • 19:45 – Discussion Panel
  • 21:00 – Anastácia Azevedo concert
  • 22:00 – End

Discussion Panel

  • Anna Brachetti – Activist and Digital Creator
  • Anne Schwerk – Head of Scientific Management at BIH Charité and Professor of Artificial Intelligence at IU International University of Applied Sciences
  • Daniela Cantagalli – Event Manager & Community Manager of Bossa FM in Berlin
  • Evelyne Leandro – Co-founders of and Project Coordinator Janainas eV.
  • Rotem Ritov – Multidisciplinary Israeli artist and curator based in Berlin.

Author and the book

Written by Cristiana Xavier de Brito, the book highlights Brazilian female leadership and its characteristics, gives voice to women in different fields, opens a dialogue on the dilemmas of Brazilian women in the 21st century and serves as a source of inspiration for contemporary women in their generation and the future leaders of this country.

Cristiana has more than 30 years of experience in national and multinational companies, focusing on sustainability, public relations, marketing, and management, in addition to serving on the boards of non-governmental organizations.

She is part of women’s networks, such as United Women Network Germany Latin America (an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Advanced Boardroom Program for Women (Saint Paul Business School), Diversity in Council (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance) and WCD (Women Corporate Directors), among others.

Book sales and donations

During the event copies of the Portuguese, English, and German editions will be sold. The revenue of the sale will be donated to the Janainas Association.

The event is non-profit and we ask, if possible, for a donation for hiring people to take photographic and video records of the event. We suggest any amount between 1 and 10 Euros.


Lobe Block

Böttgerstraße 16
13357 Berlin
+49 30 2659766-19

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